Expanding evidence | Feature

The value of market research in the UK has grown almost £2bn in the past four years, according to PwC’s report on the industry. By Jane Bainbridge

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.research-live.com

Interesting findings here, especially with regard to the resurgence of qualitative research:

With a growth of 62% since 2012, the UK is now the world’s second-largest market for professional research. This is massively outstripping that of the UK economy as a whole, which has grown 8.7% in the same period. 
 So what is behind this phenomenal growth? Perhaps inevitably – data analytics. This has seen an uplift of 350% since 2012 and now employs 6,700 FTEs. 
But perhaps more surprising is that qualitative research has also been identified as a key area of growth. Julie McClean, senior manager, PwC r2i, said: “This was a very strong finding, from both the survey and key informants; they all agreed there was a resurgence and re-emergence of qualitative. We see it as a counterbalance to the growth of big data.

See on Scoop.itMarketing research and why it matters

Will the UK leave the EU? How to track the odds of a Brexit

Of the dozens of polls released since the start of the year, the results have been mixed. With several results suggesting that the UK will vote to withdraw from the political union.

But if you look at a poll of polls – which takes the average of a group of polls – support for leaving the EU has never come out on top.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.telegraph.co.uk

See on Scoop.itMarketing research and why it matters

iPhone sales decline for first time ever as Apple revenue falls

iPhone sales decline for first time ever as Apple revenue falls

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.telegraph.co.uk

Sales of the iPhone, which accounts for two thirds of Apple’s revenue, fell for the first time since it was released nine years ago, down from 61 million a year ago to 51 million. Those of the iPad and Mac computers also declined, and quarterly profits were down by 23pc to $10.5bn.

See on Scoop.itCambridge Marketing Review