Bax Interaction has closed

Thank you for searching for Bax Interaction. The business has closed.

A message from the CEO, Steve Bax, is below:

“After over 19 years in business Bax Interaction has closed.

The business was established in 2005 to provide organisations with marketing insights from tailored research to help them to implement effective strategies.

Since that time, we have helped a large number of amazing organisations and their people to better understand their marketplaces and how to improve their marketing as a result.

I am immensely proud of all that we have delivered.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with all the people that I have had the pleasure of interacting with over the years.

Over the past five years I have spent most of my time focusing on writing and delivering modules for the BSc in digital marketing and the BSc in business management courses at Anglia Ruskin University.  In addition, I have been a link tutor for digital marketing apprentices. Inevitably, this has meant that I have not had the time needed to sustain and develop the business.

I have also been working full time for the last 50 years!

In short, there are other things that I am keen to do.  Some of you reading this will know my love of watersports.  I am going to be spending more time on the water!

I have no intention of stopping working completely and will be more than happy to get involved in short-term projects for existing or new clients should the opportunities arise.

My thanks go to all the people that have made the last 19 years both challenging and fun.

If you would like to contact me directly please call on 07778 407676 or email”

Steve Bax