While the concepts of ‘brand’ and ‘loyalty’ (of the attitudinal rather than behavioural variety) have historically been hugely important for marketers, technology changes surely mean that their authority as driving principles for the profession needs to be questioned.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.research-live.com

Very interesting article by Colin Strong. A key comment he makes is:  "The idea that attitudinal loyalty has a critical role to play for brands is increasingly debatable …Instead, relationships are built through engaging services that deliver genuine value. Look at the success of Nespresso, which managed to build the home-brewed coffee category from transactional purchasing of ground coffee to the development of an engaging eco-system. And if the brand trips-up on delivery of that engagement then customers are likely to look elsewhere. Because if there are plenty of ways consumers can find out about alternatives, a brand is only a preferred choice if it can keep delivering rather than due to a residual ‘love’ or emotional affinity. "

If you haven’t seen them already, have a look at the Starbucks app and the Oral B SmartSeries toothbrushes example too. 


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